Friday, September 30, 2011

Sensory Fun with Foam

Tactile sensory experiences are one of the easiest to create.  Lots of items have their own texture and feels that can be fun to play with.

If you child regularly seems to be looking for tactile feedback:
·         Craves touch, needs to touch everything and everyone
·         Repeatedly touches surfaces or objects that are soothing
·         Seeks out surfaces and textures that provide strong tactile feedback
·         And thoroughly enjoys and seeks out messy play
     Here is a tactile sensory activity that may be fun for them.

Playing with Foam

What you need:
·    Shaving foam – there are lots that are hypoallergenic or for sensitive skin
·    Something to put the foam in or on – we use a large container but you could also play with it on a table top (you may want to put down a plastic table cloth because it will get messy).
·    Any other toys that your child likes and can get messy
·    Anything you want to add to enhance the fun. Some ideas are; paint, coloured water in spray bottles, sparkles.

What to do:
·    Spray the foam and play

Why it a great activity:
·    It can be easily modified to the level of any child. Examples: You can practice simple mands/requests or long sentences.  You can practice receptive instructions or having your child label items and give a peer directions. Anything is possible.

Some examples of what this activity can promote:
·    Doing a fun activity together pairs yourself with positive reinforcement
·    Can be used to elicit mands/requests of all types; asking for an item, answering where questions, yes/no manding, etc
·    Can be used to build language.  Examples – practice prepositions, following directions, giving directions, attributes, etc.
·    Help fill a sensory need for the child
·    FUN!!!


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